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Gas Prices Apply Brakes To Suburban Migration

After decades of migration to ever-further-out suburbs, high gas prices are spurring a rethink of homebuying priorities and policies that subsidize sprawl.

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Airline industry backpedaling on expansion?

After my presentation to the Anchorage (Alaska) Municipal Assembly last week, I chatted with a local businessman who gave me a piece of surprising news: local airline industry reps recently came out...

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Downtowns across the U.S. see streetcars in their future

Cities like Cincinnati and Columbus, Ohio are deciding that now is the time to install or reinstall streetcar systems - both because of their revitalizing effect on downtowns, and because fuel and...

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A Planner's Guide to the Urban Food System

Why should planners care about the food system in their area? How can planners help shape a healthy food system? This guide sets forth a vision for an urban food system and describes the interlocking...

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Energy conversion goes local: implications for planners

As energy technologies evolve, their relationship to their surroundings also changes. Recently, attention has shifted to decentralized supplies and the effects of transportation, land use, and...

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Aaron Newton on sustainable land use planning and infill agriculture

In his work as a land planner in North Carolina, Aaron Newton works to create sustainable places. But it's not just his job: awareness of peak oil has led him to promote relocalization close to home,...

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Think globally, power up locally

The "locavore" movement is big, especially in California. With the bounty of food found locally in the Bay Area, living off the land - and sea - is not only possible, but also a delicious exercise. But...

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Energy issues in the academy

Colleges and universities can be powerful social actors, with their large populations, research facilities, and significant budgets. How are they acting with respect to climate and energy issues?read more

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Governments and candidates need to embrace peak oil

Renewable energy has emerged as a serious issue among politicians at all levels in the United States. Peak oil is a different story, however. Federal, state and local leaders will continue to...

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Of creeping emergencies and Alaskan bellwethers

Chemical emergency. Dam Failure. Earthquake. Fire. Flood. Hazardous Material emergency. Heat emergency. Hurricane. Landslide. Nuclear emergency. Terrorism. Thunderstorm. Tornado. Tsunami. Volcano....

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